Bolivia: Landscapes And Culture

We will learn about the culture of pre-Hispanic civilizations while immersing ourselves deep in nature.  In the first part of the circuit, we will be transported hundreds of years back in time to discover the lifestyle of the Inca and Tiwanakota cultures, which had a strong connection with the elements of nature and the celestial bodies. In the second part, we will observe natural wonders such as the abundant flora of Coroico, the magical Salt Flat and the impressive landscapes of South Lipez.


We will visit the different sectors of the city of La Paz, such as: Plaza Murillo, the Government Palace, the Legislative Palace, and the Metropolitan Cathedral. We will then take the cable car up to enjoy a fantastic view of the city built between the mountains. Afterwards, we will walk through the traditional area, where the popular “Calle de las Brujas” is located. We will finish the tour with a visit to the Moon Valley, a beautiful place located near the city of La Paz where erosion has managed, over the years, to form wonderful stone shapes that give us the feeling of being in a real lunar landscape.

Accommodation: Hotel in La Paz.

Included Meals: /



We will leave in the morning to visit the spiritual and political center of the enigmatic Tiwanaku culture. The archeological remains discovered in the place testify to the great knowledge and technology that the Tiwanaku people possessed.

They venerated the Sun God “Wiracocha” and Mother Earth “Pachamama”, facts that we can see reflected in their constructions. Among these, the Sun Gate, the different Monoliths, the temples of Kalasasaya, Akapana and the Semisubterranean Templete stand out. Learning the history of these magnificent and mysterious ruins is an experience that will leave a lasting impression. After lunch we will depart by bus to Copacabana and settle into our hotel.

Accommodation: Hotel in Copacabana.

Included Meals: Breakfast, lunch and dinner.



As a first activity, we will go around the city of Copacabana, we will visit the Cathedral, where the Virgin of Copacabana, or Virgen de la Candelaria, patron saint of Bolivia and object of devotion, is located. Then, we will take a boat to go to the Sun Island, the private boat will leave us in the labyrinth of Chinkana, an amazing Inca construction that according to theories, was used to store food and tools. From the place we have a dazzling view crowned by the imposing snow-capped Illampu.

We will board the boat again to have lunch on the shores of Lake Titicaca. We will continue our tour heading to the southern part of the island to visit the ruins of the Pilkokaina Palace, also called Temple of the Sun, an important archaeological site that housed the Inca king. Afterwards, we will take a leisurely walk of approximately one hour to visit the crop fields and arrive at our lodging.

Accommodation: Hostel in the Sun Island.

Included Meals: Breakfast, lunch and dinner.



We will start the day by descending the impressive stairs of Yumani. We will then board the boat that will take us to the Moon Island. We will visit the ruins of the Palace of the Virgins, a place where the young women of the Quechua people were educated to become one of the wives of the Inca. Some of these young women were destined for human sacrifice.

Once the visit is over, we will return to Copacabana and have lunch.

Return to La Paz at approximately 5 pm.

Accommodation: Hotel in La Paz.

Included Meals: Breakfast and lunch.



Our next destination is Sajama. We will visit the famous “chullpares”, ancient burial tombs located on the side of the road. Then we will visit the beautiful Sistine Church of Curaguara, a place where you will find large murals of biblical passages. We will then arrive at Sajama village, where a delicious lunch awaits us. In the afternoon we will visit the geysers, a spectacle of water bubbling under the earth. At the end of the day, we will visit the Thermal baths, where we can enjoy a bath in the middle of nature. These waters are considered to be medicinal.

Accommodation: Hostel in the Sajama.

Included Meals: Breakfast, lunch and dinner.



After breakfast, we will take a short and peaceful walk through the Queñuas forest, the highest forest in the world, an ecological treasure that is currently protected.

Then we will visit the Thermal baths again and spend some time in the surroundings. We will eat a box lunch and finally return to La Paz.

Accommodation: Hotel in La Paz.

Included Meals: Breakfast and box lunch.



Continuing our journey, we will venture deeper into the wilderness. In the first stage, we will climb the Royal Mountain Range of Los Andes, reaching an altitude of 4640 m.a.s.l., and after 3 hours we will descend to an altitude of 1150 m.a.s.l.

In the second stage, we will observe how the landscape changes from a cold environment to a warmer one, with a lot of vegetation and rivers with strong flow. We will visit the traditional coca plantations and we will go to Senda Verde, a refuge for rescued animals, where we will appreciate the great flora and fauna of the place.

We will return to La Paz directly to the bus station to take the bus to Uyuni.

Accommodation: / (Overnight in sleeper bus).

Included Meals: Breakfast and lunch.



We leave for the salt flat in a 4×4 car. We will visit the Train Cemetery and the village of Colchani, which is located on the edge of the Salar and is the place where salt is processed with traditional methods. We will continue our adventure by going deeper into the salt flat until we reach Incahuasi Island, which is full of giant cactus. From its summit, we can appreciate the amazing extension of the sea of salt and the imposing Tunupa volcano. We will be able to feel the magic of the place, where the horizon disappears.

Overnight in San Juan.

Accommodation: Salt Hotel in San Juan (basic comfort).

Included Meals: Breakfast, lunch and dinner.



We move away from the Salar to visit the lagoons of high altitude: Laguna Honda, Laguna Ramadita and Laguna Hedionda. Each of them has an incredible beauty.

We will also visit a different ecosystem: the Siloli Desert, one of the driest deserts in the world, where the popular Stone Tree is located. Finally, we will arrive at the Laguna Colorada, so called because of its reddish color, where the Andean flamingos live. 

Accommodation: Hostel in Huayllajara.

Included Meals: Breakfast, lunch and dinner.



Early in the morning, we will leave the Laguna Colorada to visit the geysers, where we will have the feeling of being on another planet. Then we will go to the thermal baths, where we will enjoy a relaxing bath surrounded by a beautiful landscape. Then we will continue to the Laguna Verde (Green Lagoon) whose waters have a magical appearance. Afterwards, we will make a stop in the emblematic Dali Desert, so called because of the interesting colors of its mountains that resemble the paintings of the master. Finally, we will return to the bus station of Uyuni to return to La Paz.

Accommodation: / (Overnight in sleeper bus).

Included Meals: Breakfast and lunch.



Arrival in La Paz and transfer to the hotel. You will have the whole day at your disposal to explore the city or buy souvenirs.



Transfer to the airport for your international flight.

What’s included:

  • Land and lake transfers necessary for the development of the program.

  • Lodges and hotels as described in the program, based on double rooms with breakfast included.

  • Full meals except in La Paz and Uyuni.

  • Professional guide.

  • Entrance tickets to the different tourist attractions we will visit.

What’s not included:

  • Travel insurance.

  • Extra food and beverages.

  • Lunches and dinners in La Paz and Uyuni (between 5 and 12 euros per meal depending on the type of restaurant).

  • Souvenirs and personal expenses.

  • International flights.

What should I bring?

  • Warm clothes. The cold and wind are very intense in the deserts.

  • Sunscreen.

  • Hat and sunglasses. This is essential, the sea of salt is so white that we must protect our eyes.

  • Trekking shoes.

  • Swimsuit and towels. To bathe in the thermal baths.

  • Mosquito repellent.

  • Sleeping bags.

  • Earmuffs.


Le prix est calculé sur la base des chambres doubles. La catégorie des hôtels est conforme aux normes locales. Si vous souhaitez un hôtel de catégorie supérieure ou inférieure à celle indiquée ci-dessous, veuillez nous le faire savoir dans votre demande de devis.

  • À La Paz: Hôtel 3 étoiles.
  • À Copacabana: Hôtel 3 étoiles.
  • À l’Île du Soleil: Hostal  
  • À Sajama: Hostal. 
  • À San Juan: Hostal de sel. Chambres avec toilettes privées. Il n’y a pas de chauffage et les températures sont très froides, il est donc fortement recommandé d’apporter un sac de couchage.
  • À Huayllajara: Auberge avec chambres avec toilettes privées. Réduction de l’électricité. Il n’y a pas de chauffage et les températures sont très froides, il est donc fortement recommandé d’apporter un sac de couchage.



  • Tous les logements comprennent le petit-déjeuner.
  • Tous les déjeuners sont pris dans des restaurants, sauf à Uyuni.
  • Les jours 8, 9 et 10, le déjeuner sera pris en route.

Si vous avez des allergies ou suivez un régime alimentaire particulier, veuillez nous en informer au moment de la réservation ou de la demande de devis.



Les destinations à visiter ont un climat généralement froid, sauf Coroico.

  • À La Paz: Les saisons chaudes (printemps, été) se situent entre septembre et avril. Le maximum moyen est de 20° et le minimum de 10°. C’est aussi la saison des pluies. Les saisons froide et sèche (automne et hiver) se situent entre mai et août. Le maximum moyen est de 15° et le minimum de 5°.
  • À Copacabana – Île du soleil: Similaire au climat de La Paz. Entre 8° et 16°.
  • À Coroico: Le climat est tempéré et assez agréable, entre 15° et 26°. La saison des pluies s’étend de novembre à mai.
  • À Sajama: Froid et aride. Température moyenne de 14°, la nuit la température peut descendre en dessous de 0°.
  • À le Salar de Uyuni, San Juan et Huayllajara (région Sud Lípez):  Froid, sec et venteux. Température moyenne de 10°. Dans la nuit, les températures peuvent descendre bien en dessous de 0°. 



Le circuit est accessible à tous.

NOTE: Tout le voyage dans le Salar de Uyuni et Sud Lipez se fait en voiture 4×4, donc nous passerons beaucoup de temps dans le transport. Nous ferons des arrêts pour déjeuner et pour visiter les attractions.